One day, a little while after I became Ben's photographer, we were out in the mountains. Ben's tire popped so he stopped to fix it. Suddenly, bandits attacked us from behind.

They tied us up and brought us to their leader. They took my regular camera, but they didn't see my mini camera, so I was able to get a few pictures. After talking to the leader-guy, they marched us to an old, but intact medieval jail where they locked us

The only thing that was in it was a piece of wood, that I think was supposed to be a bed. Ben noticed a trap door on the roof, but we couldn't get out through because it was way too high. He decided he wouldn't be able to get his bike then-we saw the bandits put it in their cave. On day 33 the bandits caught another man and

threw him in with us. He was a forest ranger and his name was Steve. He had some rope with him, which helped in our escape.

On our 35th night, we escaped. First Ben put the "bed" against the wall so it was standing straight. Then he climbed up onto it, and Steve climbed onto his shoulders. When Steve got onto the top, I climbed onto Ben's shoulders, got up, and threw the rope down to Ben. Then we climbed down on the rope. T

hen we hiked through the night to get to the nearest town. We alerted the police and with the help of the pictures I took, they were able to find the bandits without much trouble. In the cave were many objects that were stolen from hikers. The bandits confessed after being caught that when they captured Ben and I, they were going to hold us for ransom. Ben got his bike from the cave, and all of the stolen objects were returned to their owners. Steve and Ben are now great friends, and Steve invited us to come to his ranger station some time. We probably will soon, after we all recover.