Yesterday Ben and I took a long, off road trip to see an old friend Chief Great Bird.
After many greetings, conversations, and snacks, the Chief decided to show us how he got his name.
<-- Here are the "Great Birds". (Chief hasn't quite gotten up yet.)
P.S. If anyone has any ideas on places Ben should go or adventures he should try, please post a comment.
Could he go tho a reinactment of the civil war and meet a civil war vetaran? I think that would be cool.
Good idea. Thanks.
Who is Ben? And what has he done to make him famous?
Ben is the greatest biker in the world!
Could he go to the arctic and meet penguins? I like penguins.
Good job anonymous penguin person! I couldn't agree more. Other Anonymous person, you will see why Ben is so great in future posts. Anonymous penguin person, that is a good idea, but I don't think we have enough money for a plane ticket right now.
Thanks for the suggestion anyway, we'll keep it in mind.
Hi everyone.
This is the first time I've seen my blog. My photographer and writer did a great job.
Thanks to all my fans for their support.
Anonymous anti-penguin person, I know that penguins live in the southern parts of the world, but anonymous penguin person suggested that Ben go to the Arctic. This is quite possible as long as Ben lives on one of the American continents.
Since its near christmas can ben go all the way back to when baby jesus was born.Id like that a lot.
Since its near christmas can ben go all the way back to when baby jesus was born.Id like that a lot.
Can ben go back to when i was born?or maybe even when my mom was pregnant with me.Please make him do it.Heres one thing about when my mom was pregnant with me.Michael would talk to me in my moms womb and when he was saying his prayers he would say god bless are new baby.
Those are good ideas, but Ben doesn't have a time machine. Ben has ordered a large nativity scene which we will show when we get it. Sorry Bethie, maby if you do a play on it Ben can go and see it.
Posted by Ben's assistant
Can ben maybe go and visit someone who makes movies and maybe even be in on himself that would be cool.
Can ben go to silverset park next tuesday or thursday and like ride on the frizbee and ride his bike down that slide right near the slide closest to the thing to play ticktactoe.that was Michaels idea.
Can ben go somewhere way back in history,like maybe the romans or maybe chinese.
Can ben go somewhere way back in history,like maybe the romans or maybe chinese.
can ben go and see when mary was alive.
Next year if your going to christmas on the proedo next year,can ben do something there.Maybe tell everybody there if he sees something really funny or cool.That would be cool.
Thanks for all the ideas everyone. The problem with a lot of them is I don't have a time machine. If anyone is doing a play or something on them I would love to see it.
Thanks again!
Make him do a half pipe!
chief great bird.
Some peoples comments make no sense at all.
Hello Benjamin.Thats your new name,isnt it?I agree with michael.
what kind of snacks did you have? were they yummy?
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