Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Almost Christmas

Ben has been getting ready for Christmas!
Here he is in his giant Christmas tree.

<--The tree is a really

big one.

He also
has a
scene. -->

P.S. Please do not comment unles you actually have something to say.


Anonymous said...

Dose Ben have a giant house, like he has a giant Christmas tree and Nativity scene?

David said...

Yes, my house is very large.

Anonymous said...

Cool!How could you have such a large tree and nativity set!Well in the nativity set the people are just like maybe a foot larger then ben at least.I dont think their to big compared to ben.

Anonymous said...

Bens christmas tree must be more then a million feet taller then Ben!!I mean just put Ben at the bottomof his christmas tree and look at it!I bet his house is even more!I bet his house is a normal house compared to ben and a house bigger then a giant for Ben!I think Ben thinks of us as giants!

Unknown said...

yes, it must be huge!

Anonymous said...

did ben build it or cut the christmas tree? or is the christmas trre fake